Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My dream came true!

When did the National Geographic thing appear?

When I was 12 years old I was watching very much Discovery Channel, Animal Planet and National Geographic Channel and I was fascinated about those reportages I was seeing there. I wanted to have that kind of life, to see the world, to share what is beautiful and to enjoy living.
In that period of time I decided to became a journalist because my idea was: if i became a journalist i can work with National Geographic team. After I have finished the highschool, I applyed for a Journalism Faculty in Iasi and Bucharest. I decide to go to Iasi in the end.
Each night, when I went to sleep I was dreaming with my eyes open how would be for me to work at NG. In one day, in the Autumn of 2009, I applyed for a schollarship in Norway, in a country that the only thing I knew about was: aaaa this should be a country where it is very cold. And that's it! When I arrived there, in January 2010, I discovered a beautiful country where nature was very well conserved. I lived in a small village called Volda for about 5 months.

In April I sent an e-mail to NG redaction to ask them if I can make an intership with them. They said yes. So, in July 2010 I started to work with NG. After 2 weeks they asked me to sign a colaboration contract. Few weeks ago I received this Press Card. My dream came true after 9 years! Happy! Just unreal!


  1. Bravo, dar cum faci cu scoala? Unde o sa faci teren?

  2. Multumesc. Raman in colaborare cu ei. AM Adobe Indesign in calculator si voi lucra de la Iasi. Eu voi face oricum naveta Bucuresti- Iasi pentru ca imi scriu lucrarea de licenta cu ajutorul unei prietene care e in domeniu. Imi va fi greu dar imi voi da silinta ;)
