Studenţii români vor să plece la studii în străinătate ca să se facă economişti sau specialişti în marketing
The Romanian students want more and more to follow a bachelor or master program abroad because of the impossibility of getting a job well paid in their own country.
At least 7000 high school and faculty graduates participated in two world education fair which had place in the end of October and begging of November in Bucharest trying to find offers for studying abroad.
Each year, 5000 Romanian students are going abroad for studying regarding the Minister of Education and it is possible that this number will grow because of the higher interest of the students in finding jobs in other countries.
According with the organizers, the students are interested in areas like: marketing, communication, business, design, economy.
Apart from Denmark, where students don’t have to pay fees, the cheapest countries regarding education are France and Netherlands. For example, in the Groningen University from Netherlands the fees for bachelor program is 1.720 Euros per year, while the fee for master program is 13.700 Euros per year. In France, one year of studying at University La Rochelle Business School can reach the point of 7000 Euros per year. In Denmark the courses are financed by the Danish Government which has to pay 10.000 Euros per year for each student.
Romania is still a developing market for students searching for study abroad opportunities. It has been growing for the past 7 years and in the past 2 it has taken up exponentially following EU accession and increasingly accessible financial conditions for studying in the EU.
(either partial or total) and bank loans to pay for their studies; 37% consider the opportunity of having a part-time job during their studies.
Information from the affairs
A. Riuf
The four main destinations Romanian students choose for studying abroad have changed over the past 5 years and similar trends can be seen also in the number of exhibitors coming from these destinations: France, Netherlands, UK and USA. The main reason for these changes is the lower tuition fees that EU universities started charging since 2007, making studying at such institutions a lot more accessible for Romanian students. Below: the best depiction of this change in the number of US exhibitors versus the Dutch exhibitors present at RIUF (ROMANIAN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FAIR).
France and the UK have had a major increase to 35 exhibitors and 16 exhibitors respectively in 2007 (EU accession year) after which they remained at the same level for the following years.
RIUF grew steadily over the years as Romanian students became more aware of the study abroad opportunities offered to them. For the first four years a steady growth has brought RIUF to its maturity, in 2008 boasting a staggering 90 International institutions present and 45 Romanian institutions.
B. Integral Programe Internationale
1. Cu ocazia ediţiei de toamnă a târgului "World Education”, care a avut loc la Hotelul Hilton din Bucureşti in data de 6 şi 7 noiembrie 2010 au participat peste 4000 de tineri inregistrati in prealabil (pe site-ul www.world –education.ro) interesati de studii in strainatate.
2. Tarile aflate in topul preferintelor studentilor sunt Marea Britanie, Olanda si Danemarca.
3. Preferintele tinerilor din Romania pentru cele 3 tari se datoreaza programelor de studiu cu stagii de practică integrate în domeniul de specialitate pentru studenţi şi masteranzi, care vor permite tinerilor profesionişti să găsească rapid un loc de muncă îndeplinind cerinţele de stagii şi experienţă profesională.
4. Motivele principale pentru care tinerii opteaza pentru studii in strainatate sunt oferta de specializari actuale, bazele universitare moderne, posibilitatea acumularii de experienta de munca pe durata studiilor si cresterea competitivitatii pe piata muncii.
5. Evenimentul din toamna acestui an confirma inca o data interesul tinerilor din Romania pentru studiile in strainatate, acest fapt fiind valabil atat pentru programele universitare cat si pentru programele de master. În continuare cererea cea mai mare ramâne pentru domeniile economic, marketing, design, comunicare, mass-media, ştiinţe politice, care ocupă primele locuri şi apar ca profesii preferate în peste 37% din înregistrările celor interesaţi de studii în străinătate.
Numele respondentului: Irina Christova – Organizator al Proiectului World Education din partea Integral Programe Educationale.
Why they go abroad?
The rate of unemployment through graduates have been grown up meaningful in the last year. Today there are almost 53.000 jobless with graduated diploma.
In a study made by SAR (The Romanian Academic Society) the Romanian higher education system do not forms necessary abilities for middle and high management and almost half from the employers in Romania said that is hard to find employees who have the capacity to have their own decisions, to have a critical point of view and the capacity to solve problems.
As a conclusion, the Romanian educational system is not capable to train the students so they could get a job in their own country and the companies complain of not having well prepared employees. Another problem is also the low level of the salary in Romania. Usually, a teacher gets 400 Euros per month while a person who works in a banck gets around 460 Euros per month. When students graduate they ask at least 800 Euros per month which cannot be provided by the companies in Romania. The low average and the lack of jobs on the labor market it seemed to determine the students to follow a study program abroad and find a well paid job there.
2. http://www.9am.ro/stiri-revista-presei/Social/202596/Romania-plina-de-someri-licentiati.html
Teacher salary: http://www.worldsalaries.org/teacher.shtml
The report of SAR: http://www.sar.org.ro/art/publicatii_sar/pwr__ewr/lansare_raport__schimbarea_de_paradigma_in_educatie_si_metodele_de_predare-536-ro.html
The report of RIUF: http://www.riuf.ro/RIUF_5Editions_Anniversary_Report.pdf
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