Saturday, April 24, 2010

Stiu ca acolo, undeva, este taina mea!

"E un loc care ma asteapta si un drum pe care trebuie sa merg. Nu stiu sigur ce o sa aflu sau daca o sa ajung la mal, dar sunt sigur, foarte sigur, ca acolo-i taina mea"/ "It is a place that waits for me and a road that I have to follow. I do not know for sure what I will find out or if I will reach the border, but I am sure, very sure that there it is my mystery"

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tired of staying in your room?

On 21 of April 2010, some norwegian students decided to be part of the nature. Because in Volda the spring is coming and also because is boaring to stay and study everyday in your room, some norwegian students decide that would be better for them to move their room outside in the nature. I think is a brilliant idea and sometimes if you want to have more sun in you room it would be an idea to move your room outside.
One of my friends told me that this is for students in the last year of university. If a student in Norway finish his faculty he/ she has to sleep one night outside. Strange but nice!

An other friend of mine told me:
"Rent out!!! Description of room:
1. Size : ulimited
2. Condition: naked
3. Housing Equipment: natural material( bath in the water; when outside is raining
4. Surrounds : broad vision (especially you can see stars in the evening when you are lying in bed)
5. Traffic: convenient (near to Kiwi and school )
This is a room with limited edition. You will have a different
experience of life. And you will be very absorbing like a
star. " (Qian Wang, China)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Really proud being a romanian

Site-ul publicaţiei Daily Telegraph a fost spart de hackeri români

Două secţiuni ale site-ului publicaţiei Daily Telegraph au fost sparte, se pare, de nişte hackeri români care au difuzat mesaje în limba română, în care cereau presei britanice să nu mai asocieze ţiganii cu românii.

"Ne-am săturat să vedem cum nişte 'gunoaie' ca voi încearcă să îşi bată joc de ţara noastră. Să ne creaţi o imagine cu totul alta faţă de cea reală, şi numindu-ne 'romanian gypsies' difuzând emisiuni de tot căcatul gen Top Gear. Dacă aţi avut tupeul să enervaţi o ţară întreagă, aflaţi că nu ne vom opri aici!", este mesajul postat de hackerii români, care s-au autointitulat R.N.S.- Romanian National Security.

Aceştia au încheiat cu mesajul: "Guess what, gypsies aren't romanians, morons." Cele două secţiuni afectate ale site-ului sunt "Short Breaks" şi "Wine and Dine" .

(Articol in ziarul Libertatea: 15 Aprilie 2010, ora 19:14 )

Monday, April 12, 2010

Alesund, Norway, football game

One of my best day ever! (12.04.2010)

What is asking you a norwegian boy when he meets you for the first time?

When you meet a norwegian boy you try to introduce yourself and talk with him maybe... But what are the questions that a norwegian boy ask you?
First, he says "Hi!" and then he starts to ask you:
1. What is your name? (of course, he wants to know your name)
2. Where are you from? (and if you say : "I am from Romania", he says...)
3. Are you a gipsy? (and if you say : "NO!", he is smiling and he breaths easily)
4. Are you coming from a poor or rich family? (and then you are thinking: "Why is this important?", and then you ask him this and he will replay...)
- Your background says many things about you. And if your family is rich this mean you had a good education. If you are coming from a poor family this mean you want to get married with a norwegian and be rich because of him.

The conclusion?
99% of Norwegians think that they are very rich people and they had great education. I do not say this is not true, but sometimes it doesn't matter if you are rich or poor. The important thing is that you are smart or not, if you are a good person or not. Money comes, money goes... Let's meet the 1% of norwegian who wants to meet you as you are and not as your parents money describe you.